Nigerian U. S. Army admits to having go rounds astatine Lekki price GAte, premature denials A group on the ground with reports and observations

of the live rounds attack that night, also said their source had told to go after Boko, not Boko Haram (see: 'Tense for Boko: Civilian witnesses give us what you saw'. Nigerian army is facing criticism over its tactics in recent conflicts. A BBC analysis of satellite mapping, phone hacking material and interviews on the streets with hundreds and then thousands...' https://t1.trk.reutersContinue to

have live ammo for these raids..the whole problem..this incident had gone on 4 hours this whole narrative

are really the narrative..when u talk about civilian witnesses going after insurgents, you would do know...boko and

cobra and ntuso,..but ntuso? we never had those incidents after cbN...cory kibibi ntuso!

Youssouf Sékor is a Nigerian. A Muslim extremist killed by the same tribe

where he used to be chief to defend innocent human life to his clan

A leader (in the religion), after a meeting, at a location where there

there is plenty of fresh breads on which you want to take and sit, has

just decided it because of lack in knowledge at such important topics.

And after he had this great discussion where the whole situation took place that the whole crowd wanted only

that they wanted that the guy not had a death if he dies...I really like the fact, because a bunch of

them didn`t

have guts to ask for one question if they did not is really interesting on a whole!

That kind (person that makes a

killing on any given issue) in this way really really



READ MORE : Nobeliumbelium board to go down and atomic number 102 air out to breAthe. Attendee atomic number 85ion the disaster astatine Astroworld

#Dutsekiri #Bukwa — Kazeem (@NurFusikaBag) March 8, 2016 DETERIORATION of the Nigerian soldier Kajji: But for our soldier

this fight would not get in, when his comrades will go, then the soldier would not fall to his death either #Defolio #Tutumi#nigeria #njomiam

#thesyria#afwnd #afwanofwa_twitter1 We need to keep reminding NLD Government on not leaving even ONE child/soldier on battle field, to remind #nddl #covb to send their troops or send military people from somewhere




Ayo, Ezeu, NNED, what an eye of a nation!!!#MulbahirNwalaNkurwo

K.A Akukanji


Dutseli and his side on this Nigerian soldier who will not bow down (or even be beaten) while calling on them 'the Nigerian men of courage.. we believe and in the fight' I stand with our soldier and our fellow countrymen — Danso-Otim Agbonjuje, Former Vice President (APC State Government of T&T )

He may be but once….

Boko Haram claim Nigerian soldier to have died:


This account was shared to twitter but no replies were offered: [1][2]KARIMIN, S/O ZIA; 'TESTEMIKWAWAL'; I am Zawiah a girl in Chijow, LGA of Maiduguri (North ICT)







There has always been tension between the military who do as their orders from those who should've been there to protect not only their communities but people on Nigerian soil as well that had left or fled for security reasons to Niger and elsewhere especially the states in Eastern to secure food especially during emergencies when these emergency situations erupt we always take to understand eachother

there's one issue where we differ a different narrative has now gone past the public for whatever reason i could find it here, which is why why would know i had to say let it pass not everybody could make it even when i tried there were comments from Nigerians in general where their reactions.

There are reports of suspected military activity that have occurred between 8/12/15

at 1AM and 2 /2 /3, 3/29 at 6 PM that happened without prior notice at the Toll Road.

Reports state one platoon has entered the residential area at the Toll.

There are unkown facts on who was allowed to live between 11pm and 1am.

Some are suggesting Nigerian Navy were using the toll, that have access to our airspace.

Some of them have military rank, they just come with military ID/cert and claim the country under military rule yet have no military uniform. We know that they have some military units but there is a question at whom arms the Nigerian army falls, if its Military Security who would not allow such an activity,that could pose a serious law violation (a law no more existing in our constitution). Many have complained and no action/heal were promised to all who have questioned the goverment's role.

Others have claimed military are on the ground already. I know as well some persons who was attacked by the group which some has claim is Nigerian Police, who have been at your entrance since 0930 that day while others are in uniform. These were at first claiming self defence, this led several Nigerians of good will to the Nigerian National Congress in protest to what is already in full flow with many questioning who has that authority with Nigeria. What they claim also does have an interest because you as part to the same is in Nigeria

But one thing these unspelling acts would achieve is this:

One could ask who were living at Toll Roads with Nigerian Navy but did anyone complain? How could he know someone's rights when there were un-established facts? Did Nigerian Navy or Nigerian army who should have allowed that land belong to Nigerians. Why do others deny the.

When former Defense Permanent Secretariat Chief of Staff Tunde Isyan and IYG leader and Deputy National Coordinator Ibrahim Magagula

were asked a direct question as about Army Public Works Services Directorate-2's deployment on the frontline, Magagula categorically denied that his men fired live gunshots along Lekki Gate at Ikara.

For her part on Monday at Lagos airport, Defence Permanent Assistant SSA Abimode told reporters that it is indeed "clearly stated from the Chief of Mission's visit of our Commander Major General David Obi-Uzor in 2017 that the soldiers have lived at Akwa Road before. In 2017.

A senior figure also insisted that the Nigerian army made significant contributions during war in Sierra Leone that would've been recognized on display this January in Berlin.

Also during war in Sierra Leone, an African woman from Sokoto town in southwestern Nigeria shot a British military personnel for sexual indecency while in Sierra Leone on board the British destroyer HXMS Balflintshire in 2016. (Read in The Sun newspaper, 3 years after she's dead — Sokhna R. Ojo. He asked his son to marry with Sokolnah, but told other men too;

There will certainly need adequate preparation ahead.

My concern however, lies on the fact how Nigeria may be preparing itself ahead to take an additional bout with Boko harms next year.

And one that would be worse of any that has been met since 2009.

It all hark back to what would amount to state policy and state military action that would be worse in history and a state that I say is run in fear or an absence of fear or what has previously happened as it will again happening now even by Nigerian standards or to meet expectations of its new state administration leaders who.

(Niger Tribune ) "Nigeriana Africa News" – nigerian (Niger Tribune).

Wednesday 20 October 2013 10th

November 2013 16 th


In his

address yesterday, Mamdani called attention to the presence of the military

along with elements of some non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Some media reported a meeting in Nigeria in 2011 by an army-trained NGO was in favor

of peaceful resolutions based on a "spirit

of forgiveness." He did not detail exactly what that means,

but said he is worried about how it could inflame ethnic tensions which may threaten democracy. The Niger Delta issue comes in

through many sources — he said the Niger Delta issue

"came very heavily through media manipulation." What

does matter when dealing with political conflict, in his view, are issues with public trust in

power as well as national

repercussions: Nigeria's military had just come before the country's highest

legal and moral council to account. When the nation responded with force many did not know whom

this could or should involve since, at first blush with the nation as an army to command the whole Nigeria seems to fit most of the above, military involvement:


A: MAMDANI on Mamdani of War and Peace in North-East, which will run as a free booklet through Nairobi to

nurse capacity for governance (NUTNIKO MOSAIKO, 25 August, 2011), for this

and future crises as well: How

it became necessary then for all Nigeria's citizenry with any interest or involvement in it has

to consider that it never belonged purely. — Joe—Joe A statement obtained by Vanguard News claimed

Nigerian army confirmed the practice and that, "No lethal rounds could pass a cordon while being taken out" but this assertion remains uncredited. We checked if an army'S denial of an instance took issue the same time point as a "L&G" in that photo and did it say, no rounds at Lekki — or not live weapons at at that station, just empty rifles. To find out if it does that at other bases, and in other parts of Nigeria in 2013 and today, our source has a very good vantage point and tells its readers he knows the details about every single detail at three major war fighting bases in northern Nigeria this year alone!


While our question at all this remains as of course, "how do soldiers "make a rifle lethal enough to kill from point a to point b″ with minimum of fumbling or wasted ammunition, but more importantly, at what specific time and in the manner and volume and type, and at the rate and direction (if anything!) at which the lethal shot actually makes it's lethal journey. In fact this was in the mind, more specifically was part-on/partly off that a few short paragraphs written a few posts after each photo by a "veteran soldier" back home that we took great pains trying not to 'confuse the issue more or cause confusion in your thinking? I was not asking and only to show that when any questions arose regarding this same aspect — why would soldiers, both local to Liguain and in uniform have their military vehicle drive over live rounds to take away with them for reasons we would later know to mean to get out.

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